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Christian Secular Education

With people explaining that the end times are here many parents feel that the best option for their children is a private Christian education. While I completely agree with Christian education for the first 5 years of school I believe after that it is unnecessary. If a parent is doing their job at creating a minimum stress, consistent, and loving household when their students feel that they can have open conversations public school is a great option. In public school everyone that walks through that door gets to be a witness to those around them.

I feel that I must mention that one of my best friends teaches 5th and 6th grade at the local Christian school. He once told me how hard it was to come up with examples of real world issues of adversity while they are stuck in their safe bubble. If we expect the next generation to be kind and loving we need to have them experience real world examples of life while in the safety of their Parent's house. We need to utilize the concept of being a Christian no matter where we go and who better to minister too if not the peers of students. Some argue that asking our children to “face the giants” isn’t fair, but if they cannot stand up for Christ in their high school when will they.

As someone going into the teaching profession I quite look forward to the day when I can be “the Christian teacher". When I was in High School we frequently visited those teachers. And those of us that spent time together sharing The Lord’s encouragement are still so tightly bonded. No matter a Christian or Secular school life is hard, but if children are able to band together and learn how to deal with all the crazy that the world throws in their direction they, and the world, will be better off. If the end of the world isn’t today then we should be teaching children to be genuine good people.

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